References & Resources

Interpretation & Translation Resources:

Deaf & Hard of Hearing Resources & Research:

Disability & Legal Resources:

Guardian Lab Project: ASL

I had the pleasure of creating a few ASL phrases for the following article through the Guardian Lab. Check out the article and the video clips?

This article focuses on a NBA star who supports deaf schools. It is a well written article talking about learning American Sign Language and how to support Deaf children to learn ASL.


Renewing my support to Deaf and interpreting organizations

Every year, I renew my membership to show my support in their work within our community, and represents a part of my commitment as an interpreter.

I renewed my membership to the following organizations:

World Federation of the Deaf (
World Association of Sign Language Interpreters (
National Association of the Deaf (
Empire State Association of the Deaf (

You should consider supporting your local, national and international organizations!

Happy New Year!

TISLR 12 Conference reflections

I have recently returned from working as an English-ASL interpreter at the TISLR 12 Conference (Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research), which took place in Melbourne, Australia. First of all Australia is beautiful! I was a part of the ASL team that was hired to work at the conference and we worked alongside with the AUSLAN team. As  deaf interpreter, I worked from either AUSLAN-British Sign Language, and/0r English subtitles/Closed captioning. This approach was a very positive and enriching experience, and demonstrated the versatile roles that a Deaf interpreter can undertake.


Here’s a video, which demonstrated my work from AUSLAN to ASL.


In addition, here’s a photo of all the interpreters that worked at the conference, there were mostly AUSLAN and ASL, but also Japanese Sign Language, Danish Sign Language and I believe Swedish Sign language interpreters.


TISLR Interpreters in Melbourne, Australia
TISLR Interpreters in Melbourne, Australia

NYDT: Captive Audience

I am thrilled to announce that I will be performing in the New York Deaf Theatre’s production of ‘Captive Audience.’ We are officially opening tonight with a limited run. The show’s last performance will be on Sunday, November 22. This show is open to anyone and everyone who loves theatre! Come and check us out! Captive Audience tickets

To learn more about NYDT, check their website:

Request for participation in my study: ASL Interpreters in Court

Dear ASL/English Legal Interpreters (hearing interpreters):

I am writing to invite you to participate in a research study being conducted as part of my Masters of Science and Communications at Heriot Watt University under the supervision of Jemina Napier.

The title of the study is: When and How do Hearing interpreters decide to work with a Deaf interpreter within the court proceedings.

The study is designed to investigate two areas: 1) Explore hearing interpreter’s decision-making process when requesting to work with a Deaf interpreter in the court.  2) Identify a common trend for when hearing interpreters request to have a Deaf interpreter to work.

This is a questionnaire and is for hearing ASL-English interpreters who accept court assignments. There are 20 questions and should only take 10-15 minutes of your time.

Any information or personal details gathered within the questionnaire are confidential. The only people that will see the information collected will be the research team. No names will be used in our reports, although some examples of comments may be used. We will make sure no one can be identified by these comments.

If you decide to participate, you can stop the questionnaire at any time without having to give a reason and without consequence.

We will tell people about our research findings through conference presentations and journal publications, and a short summary will be sent to you by email directly at your request.

The link to the questionnaire:

If you have any questions about the survey, you can contact me at my email: or


Christopher Tester, CDI


NY Deaf Theatre’s Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde

Flyer for Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde
Flyer for Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde

I was asked to be the ASL consultant for the NY Deaf Theatre’s production of Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde. It has been a rewarding and fun experience working with both Deaf and hearing actors on the script translation. It was my first time in this role, and to work with the amazing production team in trying to create the story in American Sign Language and assist with the script analysis. Tonight, the show opens! I am excited and nervous for the actors! If you are in the New York City area, you should come and check them out! They’ve pushed themselves hard, also the costumes and the set looks fantastic!!!

For more information, check out the NYDT website: