Sharon Neumann Solow and I presented our Deaf and Hearing Interpreting Team workshop which was 6 hours long and filled with group discussions and activities. We felt it was a great success, and we hope our participants enjoyed and left with a greater understanding of the importance of shared responsibility and shared gifts that both Deaf interpreters and Hearing interpreters bring to the team.
Deaf & Hearing Relay Team: Supervision
Sharon Neumann Solow, Trenton Marsh and I presented: “Ohana: Celebrating our Ties. Deaf and Hearing Interpreting Teams” at the Region V conference in Honolulu, HI. During our session, we were able to demonstrate our work with local Deaf interpreters from Hawaii, and showcase their training and skills. It was a very successful workshop for everyone involved. Here is a picture from the workshop on June 13, 2012.

Working in Hawai’i
I look forward to starting the phase 2 of our work with local Hawaiian deaf interpreters in our follow up supervision training program. Additionally, I will be presenting and interpreting at the Region V conference in Waikiki.
ADA & Interpreting: A Detailed Exploration of Title I
The clock is ticking! It’s almost time for the highly demanded webinar “ADA & Interpreting: A Detailed Exploration of Title I” taking place THIS Thursday, May 17, 2012 7:00–8:30 p.m. EST with Christopher Tester, CDI. Only $29.99 for .15 Professional Studies CEUs (sponsored by NYC Metro RID). For more information: or to register: “See you” soon!
Dancing with the Deaf Stars
Dancing with the Deaf Stars in only 4 Days!
As some of you may know, I’ve been asked to be part of the New York School for the Deaf’s “Dancing with the Deaf Stars” on Saturday, May 5th, 2012. My dance partner and I have been hard at work practicing for the competition this saturday, only 4 days away! There are still some tickets available if you wanted to come up and support me and the school.
Here’s the link. You have to buy the tickets prior the show as there will not be any tickets sold at the door.
I hope to see you there!
P.S. Feel free to pass along this information.
P.S.S. NYSD is in White Plains, NY
Christopher Tester, CDI
Certified Sign Language Interpreter
President: NYC Metro RID
Consultant, Educator, Interpreter, Trainer
Webinar a success!
Tonight was a success! It was my first time to give a presentation via webinar, and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I did miss having in person interaction with my participants. However, overall, I thought it went well. Kudos to Susanne Morrow and Jamie Pope for their behind the scenes work in setting up this presentation.
Last Chance to register for webinar tonight!
Deaf Student Teacher approved to keep her interpreter
great step for a Deaf professional in a non-deaf setting.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
I recently did some ASL consulting with the interpreting team for the show, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.” it’s a cute show for children at the New Victory Theatre. The interpreters will be interpreting today and Saturday for local Deaf students in the NYC area.