Day 2 at the Deaf Action Center in Shreveport, Louisiana! I presented 3 of 6 webcast series for Deaf Advocacy yesterday, which focused on Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you are curious about the Deaf Action Center, check out their website:
The Webcast series is titled: ADA Help-Me How?
Here’s a few pictures of the greenroom, where I am basically living in for the week!
My chair in the studio!Just me and the camera and 2 TV screens.
This article is written by a hearing interpreter and a writer of “Reading Between the Signs.” Anna Mindess explores her own experience and shares her perspective on the social responsibility that hearing interpreters may have on working with Deaf Interpreters here in the United States.
I’m off to Brooklyn, Michigan to take a week long training on the NCIEX’s newly developed deaf interpreter curriculum for training new interpreters. link to the DI curriculum info. Should be an interesting week among peers from all over the country. Looking forward to it! (I am en route to the airport!)
I am headed down to New Mexico to present: Outside of Courtroom: is it legal? At the NMRID state conference. I’m looking forward to meeting everyone there and check out Albuquerque. Only there for a night!
We need to see a wider range of research and perspectives on cochlear implants (CI). It’s truly hard to find an unbiased research today. But this article, while the author shows special awe for CI, also shares new findings of the impact of CI on children’s learning abilities. effects of CI on the brain.
This article reflects on the current media fascination with sign language and while it is good to have a more visual presence within the media, they talk about how it has actually been perpetuating the idea that ASL is not a full language but rather gestures, pantomime, etc. At the benefit of the non-deaf audience. There has been limited focus on the deaf population whose language is American Sign Language.
This is a great news for us Deaf and Hard of hearing population. This order focuses on 4 areas to ensure the quality of the closed captioning is high.
Quoted from the new order:
1) Accurate: Captions must match the spoken words in the dialogue and convey background noises and other sounds to the fullest extent possible.
2) Synchronous: Captions must coincide with their corresponding spoken words and sounds to the greatest extent possible and must be displayed on the screen at a speed that can be read by viewers.
3) Complete: Captions must run from the beginning to the end of the program to the fullest extent possible.
4) Properly placed: Captions should not block other important visual content on the screen, overlap one another, or run off the edge of the video screen.
Personal commentary: A fantastic article by Darren Byrne, which was submitted to StreetLeverage. An ongoing issue within the interpreting community, including deaf interpreters. From a Deaf person’s perspective, this can be even more challenging because if we stand up and complain about the interpreting services, we may seem ungrateful and demanding, however, if we sit still and do not complain, we are not receiving the complete interpretation. My ability to respond/react/object/complain often is contingent upon the situation and who are present in that moment. It is especially more challenging for me now as I am also a colleague and not necessarily always a consumer of the services. This type of reaction has made me realize that I have made this a personal issue when it should be a professional and a competency issue.
This is something that needs to be explored further and have an ongoing dialogue.