Dancing with the Deaf Stars in only 4 Days!

As some of you may know, I’ve been asked to be part of the New York School for the Deaf’s “Dancing with the Deaf Stars” on Saturday, May 5th, 2012. My dance partner and I have been hard at work practicing for the competition this saturday, only 4 days away! There are still some tickets available if you wanted to come up and support me and the school.

Here’s the link. You have to buy the tickets prior the show as there will not be any tickets sold at the door.


I hope to see you there!

P.S. Feel free to pass along this information.

P.S.S. NYSD is in White Plains, NY


Christopher Tester, CDI

Certified Sign Language Interpreter

President: NYC Metro RID

Consultant, Educator, Interpreter, Trainer



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